After careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s fall fishing tournament. We truly appreciate everyone who showed interest and understand how disappointing this news may be. That said, we are already planning for an exciting spring tournament and hope to see many more of you then. If you have already paid, your payment will be refunded through the payment method you utilized. Thank you for your continued support and understanding!
Catfish Tournament 8AM-2PM, weigh-ins at firehouse.
Cash prizes available for the heaviest bag of 5 fish and heaviest single fish for boat and kayak/shore categories for adult and children.
* Heaviest single fish cannot be included in bag of 5
Pre-register through SignUpGenius
Payment through PayPal
Adults 17+ $25. Kids 16 and under $15 (Day of registration additional $5)
*Inclement Weather Date October 5th